Thursday, February 27, 2020

Two papers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Two papers - Assignment Example Discrimination can be overcome by encouraging diversity and making it an unacceptable action. It should be discouraged in all interactions and instead promote cultural diversity as a better alternative to interact with others. 2. What are the potential challenges posed by differences in nonverbal communication when communicating across cultures or communicating interracially? Provide two examples of specific types of nonverbal communication and describe the challenges they pose. What potential solutions can you suggest for overcoming these challenges? One of the major challenges posed by differences in nonverbal communication when communicating across cultures is miscommunication. A certain action, body language or sign may be construed as something else by the recipient thereby resulting in misunderstanding. People must be aware of this differences to avoid any miscommunication. Non-verbal communication is very important in communication process because they comprise majority of the message. In a study by Zhijing Chen (2009), she reported that one of the findings of a study in communication conducted in the United States, 93 percent messages were transmitted through nonverbal behaviours while only 7% were transmitted through the explicit verbal language. This means that nonverbal communication is very important in communicating across cultures. Two classic examples is the V sign where the two fingers are protruded with the face palm out signifying peace or victory in the US and other cultures such as Philippines. The V sign however is taken differently in Indonesia where it just meant number two. Another glaring example is the pointing of finger where one will use his index finger to point at people or objects. This is harmless in the US and is used to identify people or objects. In Asia however, this could mean trouble because

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Philosophy ( professional and business ethics) Essay

Philosophy ( professional and business ethics) - Essay Example Most likely, Bob is not only self centered but also materialistic in nature causing him to care very little about the benefits or positive aspects of â€Å"being good† or acting morally. One aspect of acting morally is how one is perceived by others. If Bob begins to act in a manner that appears moral and considerate of those around him, he is more likely to be trusted and liked. If Bob is trusted and liked, he will easily be able to convince others to do business with him or even help him out in a time of need, in the spirit of neighborly kinship. As an amoral person, Bob must feel the consequences of his actions in that others around him are repelled by him and avoid a great deal of contact with him. If Bob can be convinced that changing his attitude and actions will yield favorable results for him personally, he will most likely be conducive to such changes. The concept of â€Å"ought† or â€Å"should† may in fact be erroneous to Bob as the idea of what one should or should not do are subjective and void of scientific reason. Additionally, Bob is coming from a place of primal desire or concern as opposed to an ideology that doing the right thing is something that one should do in order to be a good person versus the motivation to do the right thing in order to perpetuate one’s own best interests. In theory, the latter of the two motivations, seems to in essence make the notion of Bob’s doing the right thing amoral because of the motivation behind those actions. This however, may be the only form of morality that Bob is willing to embrace and since it benefits those around him for him to act morally as opposed to amorally, it can be argued that regardless of Bob’s motivation for his moral actions, the actions themselves are moral due to their results all the way across the board. Additionally, if Bob can be convinced that his conversion to moral actions versus continuing in amoral actions will preserve his