Friday, January 31, 2020

Status of Women in India Essay Example for Free

Status of Women in India Essay in indiaâ€Å"When one boy is educated, one person will be wise. When one girl is educated entire family will be wise.† This is famous quote by girl education pioneer Mahatma Phule. This underlines the importance women in society. From the time of independence our constitution concentrated to give enough right for women. But the problem is that women are facing many problems in this modern age of gender equality. The structure of Indian society is different and unique than any other. Indian society believes in epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata more than anything else. Society wants that a woman should be like Sita the ideal Indian woman, who surrendered all her desires and followed Rama to the forest. Girls are brought up to follow the footsteps of Sita. In today’s modern world this expectation continues. A woman should go for work, earn money and must do house hold works also. Society expects that a woman should be like superwoman who can do everything. This is totally injustice for women. From the time of independence we as nation tried to create a society where women have equal rights as men. Our constitution, Government worked sincerely in that way. The Laws like The Hindu Marriage act (1955), The Hindu Succession Act (1956), The Dowry Prohibition Act (1961), The Maternity Benefit Act (1961), The Equal Remuneration Act (1976), The Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) act (1986) have paved the way for bringing about major positive changes in the lives of women. Despite of such constitutional weapons women are facing lot of problems like 1) Feticide: Feticide is the largest problem for today’s society. As technology developed, people are using it to kill girl fetus. Feticide is today’s biggest problem Indian society. Till 2001, there are only 933 female births per 1000 male birth. This is dangerous situation for the balance of society. In spite of act against girl child abortion people are finding escape for abortion. As of March 2001, the female population stands at 495.4 million out of total 1,028 million Indian populations. Thus, in the present population of 1.03 billion, there ought to be 528 million women. Instead, estimates show only 496 million women in the population today. This implies that there are some 32 million missing women in India. Some are never born, and the rest die because they do not have the opportunity to survive. Sex-ratio (number of female per 1,000 male) is an important indicator of womens status in the society. In 1901 there were 972 females per 1,000 males, while by 1971; the ratio has come down to 930 females per 1,000 males. In 1981 there has been only a nominal increase in the female sex ratio within 934 females to 1,000 males. There were only 926 females per 1000 males in India according to 1991 census. The 2001 census indicate that the trend has been slightly arrested with the sex ratio at 933 females per 1000 males, with Kerala at 1058 females. The sex ratio of the 0-6 age group has declined sharply from 945 in 1991 to 927 in 2001. According to UNFPA State of world population 2005, Punjab (793), Haryana (820), Delhi (865), Gujarat (878) and Himachal Pradesh (897) have worst child sex ratio. Facing this problem is not easy at all. We have to make families aware about the importance of girl child for the balance of society. 2) Harassment: Harassment is the common in country like India. Probably it is for the reason of Dowry. Police records for the country as a whole show that a woman is molested every 26 minutes. A rape occurs every 34 minutes. Every 42 minutes, an incident of sexual harassment takes place. A woman is kidnapped every 43 minutes. And every 93 minutes, a woman is killed. When a woman is harassed she doesn’t come for the complaint against it due to fear. She fears the disgrace in society and shuts her mouth. We have to provide fear free environment, so that a woman come for complaint and demand justice. 3) Lack of Health Awareness: As mother, family care taker a woman always ignores her own health and concentrates on the family health. This is age long habit of traditional Indian woman. As individual she must break this. Government as well as social wale fare communities must arrange proper health education and cheap health facilities for woman. 4)Woman Literacy: In 2001 the total literacy rate in India is 65.8. The woman literacy rate is 54.16 while male literacy rate is 75% this shows that woman literacy rate is low, In spite of many schemes for girl education. We have to make minds of girl child parent to send them school.These are the random problems and many are under curtains. The one perfect remedy is the proper implementation of laws and schemes for woman. Though significant improvements are have taken in the position of woman in the 50 years following independence, women continue to suffer from the problems like violence, illiteracy and ill health Together we have to work in the way of gender equality, woman wale fare so that a woman can live proudly as human being and not as servant nor as goddess.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Gregor Mendels Theories Of Genetic Inheritance :: essays research papers

Gregor Mendel's Theories of Genetic Inheritance Gregor Mendel played a huge role in the underlying principles of genetic inheritance. He grew up in a Augustinian brotherhood where he learned agricultural training with basic education. He then went on to the Olmutz Philisophical Institute and then entered the Augustinian Monestary in 1843. After 3 years of theological studies, Mendel went to the University of Vienna where he was influenced by 2 professors, the physicist Doppler and a botanist named Unger. Here he learned to study science through experimentation and aroused his interest in the causes of variation in plants. Then in 1857, Mendel began breeding garden peas in the abbey garen to study inheritance which lead to his law of Segregation and independent assortment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mendel's Law of Segregation stated that the members of a paror of homologous chromosomes segregate during meiosis and are distributed to different gametes. This hypothesis can be divided into four main ideas. The first idea is that alternative versions of genes account for variations in inherited characters. Different alleles will create different variations in inherited characters. The sescond idea is that for each character, an organism inherits two genes, one form each parent. So this means that a homolohous loci may have matching alleles, as in the true-breeding plants of Mendel's P generation(parental). If the alleles differ, then there will be F hybrids. The third idea states that if the two alleles differ, the receessive allele will have no affect on the organism's appearance. So a F hybrid plant that has purple flowers, the dominant allele will be the purple-color allele and the recessive allele would be the white-color allele.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Alice Walker Essay

This story is distinctive, however, in that Walker stresses not only the importance of language but also the destructive effects of its misuse. Clearly, Dee privileges language over silence, as she demonstrates in her determination to be educated and in the importance she places on her name. Rather than providing a medium for newfound awareness and for community, however, verbal skill equips Dee to oppress and manipulate others and to isolate herself; when she lived at home, she read to her sister and mother â€Å"without pity; forcing words, lies, other folks’ habits, whole lives upon us, sitting trapped and ignorant underneath her voice.† Mama recalls that Dee â€Å"washed us in a river of make-believe, burned us with a lot of knowledge we didn’t necessarily need to know. Pressed us to her with the serious way she read, to shove us away at just the moment, like dimwits, we seemed about to understand† (50). Dee uses words to wash, burn, press, and shove. We are told that the â€Å"nervous girls† and â€Å"furtive boys† whom she regarded as her friends â€Å"worshiped the well-turned phrase† and her â€Å"scalding humor that erupted like bubbles in lye† (51). It is not surprising, then, that Mama, mistrustful of language, expresses herself in the climactic scene of the story not through words but through deeds: she hugs Maggie to her, drags her in the room where Dee sits holding the quilts, snatches the quilts from Dee, and dumps them into Maggie’s lap. Only as an afterthought does she speak at all, telling Dee to â€Å"take one or two of the others.† Mama’s actions, not her words, silence the daughter who has, up to this point, used language to control others and separate herself from the community: Mama tells us that Dee turns and leaves the room â€Å"without a word† (59). In much of Walker’s work, a character’s dawning sense of self is represented not only by the acquisition of an individual voice but also through integration into a community. Mama’s new appreciation of Maggie is significant because it represents the establishment of a sisterhood between mother and daughter. Just before taking the quilts out of Dee’s hands, Mama tells us, â€Å"I did something I never had done before† (58). The â€Å"something† to which she refers is essentially two actions: Mama embraces Maggie and says â€Å"no† to Dee for the first time. Since we are told that she held Maggie when she was burned in the fire, and since Mama’s personality suggests that she would most likely hug her daughter often, she is of course referring not merely to the literal hug but to the first spiritual embrace, representing her decision no  longer to judge her younger daughter by the shallow standards Dee embodies–criteria that Mama has been using to measure both Maggie and herself up until the climax of the story. When Mama acts on Maggie’s behalf, she is responding to the largely nonverbal message that her younger daughter has been sending for some time, but which Mama herself has been unable fully to accept. Now Maggie and Mama are allied in their rejection of Dee’s attempts to devalue their lifestyle, and their new sense of community enables Maggie to smile â€Å"a real smile, not scared.† Significantly, the story ends with the two of them sitting in silence, â€Å"just enjoying, until it was time to go in the house and go to bed† (59). Ultimately, however. Mama has the last word: it is she, after all, who tells the story. Yet her control over the text is won gradually. Walker employs an unusual narrative structure to parallel Mama’s development as she strengthens her voice and moves toward community with Maggie. Rather than reporting the entire event in retrospect, Mama relates the first half of the story as it occurs, using present and future tenses up u ntil the moment Dee announces her new name. The commentary that Mama makes about herself and Maggie in the first portion of the story is therefore made before the awakening that she undergoes during the quilt episode–before she is able to reject completely Dee’s desire that she and Maggie be something that they are not. Prior to the encounter with Dee over the quilts, although Mama at times speaks sarcastically about Dee’s selfish attitude, she nonetheless dreams repeatedly of appearing on a television program â€Å"the way my daughter would want me to be: a hundred pounds lighter, my skin like an uncooked barley pancake,† wielding a â€Å"quick and witty tongue† (48). Mama’s distaste for Dee’s egotism is tempered by her desire to be respected by her daughter. In part, then, Mama has come to define herself in terms of her failure to meet the standards of what Lindsey Tucker calls a â€Å"basically white middle-class identity† (88)–the white-male-dominated system po rtrayed in the television show. When Mama holds up her own strengths next to those valued by Dee and the white Johnny Carson society, she sees herself as one poised always in a position of fear, â€Å"with one foot raised in flight† (49).

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Bond Between Women in Williams Shakespeares Literautre

Women have been often looked at as the one’s who use their words to fight and are quick to hold a grudge against other’s but this isn’t true if one looks at the friendship between women. Women hold their friendships close to their hearts and go through the best and worst of times together, it could also be the concept of how women need to stick together in order to survive. The bond between women is something that cannot be broken by any means and will last a lifetime, this is due to the heavy reliance on emotional connects that they share. Desdemona and Emilia in Othello, the Moor of Venice by William Shakespeare show this bond between women through Shakespeare’s use of foreshadowing. As Desdemona begins to realize her fate she tells her†¦show more content†¦Although some may think a friend is betraying them in a sense, they may actually helping them in the long run. In A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen, the characters Nora and Kristine under go such a situation and through foreshadowing Ibsen show’s this. After Nora does the unthinkable and forges a signature, her state of being is in danger due to Korgstad. Her whole reason behind it was to help her husband that she loved with all her heart, but when it all came down to the end she realised it was all for nothing. Torvald almost digs his grave when he tells her â€Å"That’s right, we’ll take it on together, Nora, as man and wife† (2.1584). He was setting up some kind of miracle for her that he would accept what she had done but when he didn’t she realised that she really didn’t even know him, let alone know herself. But what helped for Nora to truly get to this point of understand she needed to have a push from her friend Kristine, â€Å"This terrible secret has to come out. They have to have a complete understanding between them. it’s time for all this lying and pretending to stop† (3.1597). Kristine had realised just how unhappy Nora had become even if Nora herself didnt realise it, so she had to be the one to push Nora into figuring out for herself just how unhappy she really was. When Nora’s merical doesn’t come true and she finally gathers that the whole marriage was just her acting as Torvald’s doll and doing what he wanted of her, she finally saw that she