Sunday, December 29, 2019

Analysis of Shooting and Elephant by George Orwell and Letter From Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King Free Essay Example, 1000 words

A court order is issued forbidding demonstrations, but Luther still believes that only through the demonstrations that the rights of the minority group could be respected. The dilemma he encounters involves whether to follow his conscious thought and lobby for the rights of humanity through demonstrations or follow the negotiation forum; which he believes would not bear fruits. The former would break the law while the latter is acting within the provisions of the law. He decides to break the law, for the first time, in order to protect the rights of the minority. Amid criticisms by religious leaders, he responds to their letters in jail trying to justify the protests as the only way of having the grievances heard. Comparing the two narrations, George Orwell made the right decision. Killing the elephant demonstrated his respect for human life and adoration of the natives. If the animal was not killed, it would continue with the damages and would even kill more people of Burma. Some European administrators argued that the life of the elephant was more valuable than the life of the native who was killed by the animal. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of Shooting and Elephant by George Orwell and Letter From Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Going by the natural law, human life is more valuable than animal life. It would also not be right to allow the animal to continue killing people because of its monetary value. The decision to kill the elephant was a good way of demonstrating to the oppressive European administrators that human life is equal by all means. However, if the elephant belonged to a European, the decision would be tougher for the narrator. The only alternative that he has of not killing the animal would be disastrous to the people if implemented because the elephant would continue causing more harm in the society. On the other hand, the decision made by Martin Luther King in â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† was not right as far as the respect for human life is concerned. Unlike George Orwell’s alternative that would lead to loss of human life, the only alternative that Luther had would only delay justice but not deny it. Luther failed to consider the loss es associated with protests and demonstrations. In serious protests, people would be killed by the white administrators and property destroyed. At the same time, protesting is not a guarantee of justice. Even after the protests, the administrators may remain adamant and fail to heed to the grievances. Luther may have been influenced by the black Americans to protest since they were tired of negotiations. However, the protests were not a justification for the end of discrimination.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Congressional Gridlock And The American Government

Congressional gridlock has been around for centuries in Congress and does not seem to be changing anytime soon. Congressional gridlock refers to the inaction of the government and failure to make a decision or legislative law that satisfy the needs of the people. This inaction of the government and stagnation occurs when two parties cannot agree on a single matter, and they cannot come to a good agreement on how or when the law is going to be passed, thus leaving complex problems in the nation unhandled. Congressional gridlock does not just come and take over the government on its own, though. It is evident that congressional gridlock is a major problem in the American government that needs to be addressed because there are so many root causes that the government fails to fix including gerrymandering and a lack of â€Å"bridge-builders.† Solutions to these causes that have yet to be made include improving the system of checks and balances and reducing representative dynamics and some of the nation’s most pressing problems that should not even be examples of congressional gridlock include climate change and the gun laws issue. There are many causes to congressional gridlock including gerrymandering, our complex government structure, representative dynamics, a lack of â€Å"bridge-builders,† and the presence of Republican majority. One of the reasons for congressional gridlock is gerrymandering. Gerrymandering is manipulating the boundaries to favor one’s party or class.Show MoreRelatedCause Of Congressional Gridlocks852 Words   |  4 PagesCongressional gridlock is not a modern invention in the world of politics. Alexander Hamilton use to complain about the deadlock â€Å"flaw† in the design of Congress. In politics, â€Å"Congressional gridlock† is a situation in Congress where there are complications in passing laws for the people. Gridlock could be prevented if we had a democracy for the majority and unified. While many view this as frustrating, gridlocks are starting to become a political norm. This leads to a divided government. CongressionalRead MoreThe American Governme nt861 Words   |  4 Pagesbenefits they desire which results on the Government not fully benefiting their needs. The American government supports all citizens, but does not grant individuals their total human rights that they fully deserve. 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This inaction, or congressional gridlock, has existed for a while but has become an extremelyRead MoreThe Battle Of The Civil War1498 Words   |  6 PagesIt was a group of radical Republicans and southern Democrats in 1865 that set the tone for one of the most infamous and earlier gridlock stories in Congress. After the assignation of Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson became president and the dispute incurred over how to fix the country. The Civil War had left the country with insurmountable damage and Congress could not agree on how to rectify the situation. Northern Republicans wanted to open voting rights to former slaves, which is exactly whatRead MoreThe Incarceration Of Prison Policy1418 Words   |  6 PagesIn most involvement on prison overcrowding policy congressional action is close to absent, states are in charge of the legislation, but at times courts have intervened due to prison conditions. Gridlock is seen as a huge factor in policy outcomes. 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The fact is that congressional members of theRead MoreAmerica Must Be A Civil War Against Our Democratic Government864 Words   |  4 Pagesthe social, and political issues facing our society, I agree with his statement. I believe that there would be a civil war against our democratic government. The government members take advantage of their power in some situations. Some concepts should be altered.Most people are starting to notice the unfairness and somewhat â€Å"corrupt† actions government takes. The process as to vote for laws or presidents in this country and others are not the most thoughtful and reasonable procedures. For exampleRead MoreAmerican Politics And The United States Congress Essay952 Words   |  4 PagesOver the last several decades, American politics scholars have sought to understand the causes of increasing partisanship and polarization in the United States Congress. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Aspects of Psychology in Flannery Free Essays

Psychology has been a part of literature since the beginning of its existence. Its references in the Bible which affirm that mankind is separated from the animal kingdom and also show us the normal pattern to lead an effective and rewarding Christian life are parts of psychology in the foundation of life’s meaning. We see these writings as truth as we have them instilled within us at an early age when attending church and reading the bible. We will write a custom essay sample on Aspects of Psychology in Flannery or any similar topic only for you Order Now Psychology works the same way in every type of material one reads. One is subject to psychology and the part it plays in each of the short stories, novels or poems one reads. However one may have not be fully aware of how it affects our perception of the material. It is what keeps us interested in the story. The psychological appeal that comes with certain styles of writing and peaks the interest of the reader who is waiting to see the conclusion. As Thomas Kellogg states, â€Å"for the act of writing exemplifies to me the very essence of what it means to be human. Psychology is represented in each writing by the relationships that are created teens the authors and its readers. In Flannels O’Connor â€Å"Good Country People† her cognitive approach is easily understood, â€Å"cognitive psychology differs from other models in that it focuses on the human cognitive activity of structuring and interpreting one’s world. † In this story we relate because we see Helga who believes in nothing and has seen what she believes to be evil since losing her leg. Her mind is so engrossed in negativity that she cannot get past the past. When she finally does she is left in the barn thinking to herself that she was right all along. We also see the DOD as her mother still believes in the bible and its meaning. She sees almost everyone as â€Å"good country people† or â€Å"the salt of the earth. † O’Connor uses a written psychological approach in the names of the characters. Mrs.. Freeman who works at the farm is a gossip who freely repeats the stories she is told. Mrs.. Hopeful is theoretically a hopeful and positive person who is always accepting of people, the story suggests it is because she is a Catholic. The phrases of â€Å"Everybody is different† and â€Å"It takes all kinds to make the world† implies that she accepts and likes all kinds f people. When she says â€Å"people who looked on the bright side of things would be beautiful even if they were not† shows her positive side of thinking. Manley Pointer is just that, a man in a story with all female characters. His Manley ways seduce the immature Helga who loses herself because of a need for the affection she is lacking. â€Å"Brewer’s ‘structural affect theory was the first model in discourse psychology that seriously attempted to integrate plot, agency, and emotions† into literature. This story has done Just that by having smaller parts that lead to the suspenseful end where Manley takes her artificial leg and leave’s her stranded or even the quick reference where Helga thinks he may have stood her up. That is what keeps each reader interested in the plot and makes one want to know the outcome. â€Å"The psychology of literature is therefore unique in its treatment of psychological matters because words are used to express and communicate information. † â€Å"Furthermore, writers are like psychologists in being interested in the mind, emotions and behavior. † In cautiously picking each word of the story they convey a message. In this story Mrs.. Hopeful describes her feelings for the new name of Helga for her daughter Joy. She thought â€Å"broad blank hull of a battleship,† it angered her so much that she refused to call her anything but Joy. â€Å"In the study of human nature, literature, a product of our evolved human brains, is a bountiful source of data on human desires and dispositions, drawing attention to what is really important in our lives. † This is shown in the way Helga both longs for a companion but is also a bit weary at the same time. Or how the mother is portrayed as a Christian, but cannot be proud of her daughter and the degree she received from college. When reading this story one can relate to he loneliness, happiness, lack of confidence masked by anger and utter disappointment felt by its characters. It is a truly outstanding story that shows the dynamic between the mother and her daughters, Helga and her mother, Helga and Manley as well as the mother and Mrs.. Freeman. Theses inner intricate stories can easily relate to everyday people and the trials and tribulations of society. How to cite Aspects of Psychology in Flannery, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Calvinism And Religious Wars Essay Example For Students

Calvinism And Religious Wars Essay This book is about pretty much the beginning of Calvinism and how it played amajor role in the reforming of mid to late fifteenth century Europe. FranklinCharles Palm tries to exam the role in which John Calvin used his love for thesacred scriptures and religion to reform the way he lived, and the rest of theworld. Concentrating mostly on Europe at that time period. Palm breaks down thelife of Calvin at first, and then as he proceeds through this book he leads upto actual formation of the religion. And ultimately then how this newly formedreligion affected or may off even caused some of the religious war. Iunfortunately could not find any info on Franklin Charles Palm, though I evenhad one the librarians look for me to. I feel that Franklin Charles Palm wasreally not trying to answer any certain question while he was attempting towrite this informative novel at all. In fact I think that his true purpose forwriting this was to give an accurate account of what role Calvinism played int hat time period, because from what I can understand he did not feel that therewas enough information readily available. His work in my own opinion is veryrelevant to the study of history, and he has added another great resource to thereference area for history in any library. I feel that his work does not offerany resonably new information for students to learn, but it may present aneasier way of learning for those who are tired of reading the same old referencebooks. This book does though coincide with most of the notes that we have takenduring class periods. This helps out greatly when writing papers and reviews foressays and reports. Palm starts the novel out by explaining the early the earlylife of John Calvin and explains his life with his family. It talks about hisfather Gerad Calvin and his working as the secretary for the bishop of Nylon andas the fiscal agent for his district in England. It states how this made itpossible for Calvin to meet some very influential people in h is early life andmade it possible for him to start to develop ideas about religion and otherpolitical views early on in life. When Calvin was at the age of entering collegeit made it hard for him to do so with the death of his father, and his motherhaving to support six children in the family. His father was able to set asidesome money before he passed on for Calvin which in turn allowed him to attendthe College at Montiaigu, at Paris for four years. This is where John developeda love for the bible and a tremendous understanding for the scriptures, whichwould in turn play a major role in his ideas for changing and for his reformingof the Catholic Church. After discussing Calvins early life Palm went on totalk about the Roman Catholic Church and how they developed a keen sense ofhated for Calvin. It stated what they were going to do with his writings and howthey were going to go about dealing with him. Which evidently lead to Calvinsexile from the country. Some of Calvins works, cite d the problems that prettymuch most of the reformers saw wrong with the church. Such as, the sale ofindulgences which Luther and Erasmus displayed ever so prominently in theirattempts for reform. Gradually the book moves on to the more important issues ofthe book. Certain things like the Religious wars. Also it talks about thingslike his oppositions and the struggles he faced with Greut, Servetus, and histriumph over all of them. It shows the certain economic importance this newreligion played in France at the time and the political and intellectualimportance of the new religion of Calvinism. When the religious wars broke outin France and Francis the 1st proclaimed his development of absolutism it showshow Calvinism was one of the major elements opposed to it. Once that Calvinismwas starting to take hold it displayed the spread of it throughout most ofEastern Europe. Like when it started in Italy and Spain, and began to work itsway through Western Germany. Once the religion hit thos e sections it began itsspread throughout the vast regions of Western Europe too. Last but not least itexplains The Spread of Calvinism into the new world with the Huguenots, thePilgrims, and the Puritans. If there was any case that Franklin Charles Palm wastrying to prove in this book; it was the fact that Calvinism was an importantpart in the reform of the way people would eventually go about their religions. .u183e2fa89deb83188f5c03889d5e0c32 , .u183e2fa89deb83188f5c03889d5e0c32 .postImageUrl , .u183e2fa89deb83188f5c03889d5e0c32 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u183e2fa89deb83188f5c03889d5e0c32 , .u183e2fa89deb83188f5c03889d5e0c32:hover , .u183e2fa89deb83188f5c03889d5e0c32:visited , .u183e2fa89deb83188f5c03889d5e0c32:active { border:0!important; } .u183e2fa89deb83188f5c03889d5e0c32 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u183e2fa89deb83188f5c03889d5e0c32 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u183e2fa89deb83188f5c03889d5e0c32:active , .u183e2fa89deb83188f5c03889d5e0c32:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u183e2fa89deb83188f5c03889d5e0c32 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u183e2fa89deb83188f5c03889d5e0c32 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u183e2fa89deb83188f5c03889d5e0c32 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u183e2fa89deb83188f5c03889d5e0c32 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u183e2fa89deb83188f5c03889d5e0c32:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u183e2fa89deb83188f5c03889d5e0c32 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u183e2fa89deb83188f5c03889d5e0c32 .u183e2fa89deb83188f5c03889d5e0c32-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u183e2fa89deb83188f5c03889d5e0c32:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Paths of Yoga Essay We will write a custom essay on Calvinism And Religious Wars specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Also providing us a look into the future at the reform of the Roman CatholicChurch. In my opinion he did not really display a major argument with anythingthing in the text, but it was more or less an informative piece based aboutCalvinism. If in deed you go with that argument then I guess you could say thathe indeed did provide excellent information and plenty of back round informationto prove his point. I was convinced buy his argument because of the fact that Iknew only what I had learned through out my studies in school and that this wasreally the first time someone went into any kind of in depth study of thesituation. So in a way I was over whelmed with the amount off info and theresources he used to discuss it. His resources included some valuable works ofhistory; like the Encyclopedia Britanica. It was quite confusing when I firstread the bibliography. He mentions that for a good basis on writing something onthis topic you should begin with certain books that he started off wit h. Hestates that there was few books written on this topic and it may be tough forsomeone without the knowledge of the subject to even begin to write on thesessituations. Now for the part I have been waiting for, the time I get to give myopinion of the book. Well let me start of by saying that I personally thoughtthat it was going to be a very boring book but I was indeed surprised afterreading it. I have always thought to consider myself a sort off history buff soI can see why in turn did enjoy learning about Calvins subject matter. I amquite able to say now that I would probably consider reading other works ofFranklin Charles Palm or just books on some of the same subject matter. I wouldrecommend this book to anyone who has an interest for these subjects, or justplan flat out needs to do a report on this topic. BibliographyTitle ? Calvinism and the Religious Wars Place of Publication ? New York,1971 Publisher ? Howard Fertig, Inc.