Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Grafting Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Uniting - Term Paper Example Uniting of fitting plants bring about improved toughness in plants, strength alludes to the capacity of a plant to persevere through unforgiving climatic conditions. Through fruitful uniting for instance, the ostentatious Western Australian plants as of now can oppose the substantial soils regular in urban focuses (Core, 2005). Joining has succeeded creating fitting plants that fit distinctive natural conditions predominant in various pieces of the world. As examined before, uniting conjoins two one of a kind plants together consequently bringing about the improvement of an interesting new animal categories. The resultant species profits by the beneficial highlights of both the stock and the scion. As a rule, the stock consistently give successful versatile highlights of the root to empower the new plant get by specifically conditions while the scion gives compelling foliage and streaming highlights that improves the profitability of the resultant plants. Intelligence is a one of a kind capacity presented distinctly through joining. It alludes to the way toward prompting efficiency in plants without fundamentally experiencing the adolescent stage. Presenting a scion in a stock disturbs the development examples of the subsequent plant. Among the significant points of interest of the interruptions is that a large portion of the plants sidestep adolescence a time of development and development in the plants. By passing the stage, the plants promptly start delivering natural products. This builds the benefit of agribusiness by shortening the time that organic product plants take before getting productive. Bypassing the phase of adolescence is major in agribusiness owing go the length of the term, immaturity may last as long as nine years in various plants. Bypassing the stage defends the quality and efficiency of the plants since the new plat is probably going to perform better than the two parent plants at the same time inside the most l imited time conceivable.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

WaterAid UK. Operational Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

WaterAid UK. Operational Management - Essay Example The worldwide methodology for WaterAid is to offer key point of view for expanding on this experience and incorporating value, just as, consideration in every aspect of activity The organization executed the worldwide system, with four critical points of doing compelling business to address sanitation and water emergency. One of the principle destinations is to guarantee that in excess of 25 a great many individuals over the globe approach protected and clean water. They additionally center around cleanliness upgrades, sanitation objective and furthermore impacting government arrangements and practices so as to arrive at in excess of 100 million individuals universally. The hierarchical strategic changing existences of individuals over the regions where they work. The essential administrations underscores human turn of events and change lives; in this manner empowering individuals to defeat neediness, just as, empower them to get to their human right successfully. The association wor ks in excess of 23 nations and the organization offer help to their nearby organization associations. This is critical in light of the fact that they expect to convey feasible water and administrations to all regions; along these lines improving sanitation. They additionally work close by their accomplices so as to impact viable dynamic fundamental for improving ventures and conveyance of sanitation and water administrations to the populace living under destitution level; in this manner, to accomplish their goals, the organization centers to a more extensive setting affecting sanitation and water administrations including minimized networks, urbanization, capricious climatic changes, and political insecurities, just as, focused on water assets. The organization works in exceptional manner by centering the difficulties they face; in this manner discovers arrangement of conquering them through contribution powerful assistance conveyance. They likewise have special methods of creating and observing execution level. This system has been actualized through itemized operational plans and checked with a point of expanding compelling execution. The human asset supervisor of the association has put forth critical attempts of executing a maintainability structure, which was directed through the 2011 to 2012 post-usage contemplates. Bratton and Gold (2010. P. 34) uncover the criticalness jobs that chief play in an association including preparing, empowering collaboration, conveying powerful and compelling tuning in; accordingly adding to fruitful execution of the organization. Along these lines, the WaterAid human asset chief has put forth critical attempts of cooperating with others in making a proficient operational supervisory crew so as to convey reasonable administrations. Staff and volunteer administration The organization has differed staff laborers and other volunteer gatherings who cooperate as a group to convey compelling administrations. Subba and Kumar (2010, p. 23) contend that cooperating as group in the administration of assets of organization exercises can add to successful business execution. This is vital on the grounds that it has empowered the organization to convey fair administrations over the districts where they work. In addition, the present organization supervisor, Jeremy Pelczer utilizes exceptional authority styles of overseeing both unmistakable and impalpable assets of the organization. Gold (2010, p. 102) contend that fruitful pioneers should worker successful administration styles that can empower them to convey important administrations. They likewise have the top managerial staff who offer incredible chances and the investors additionally assumed key huge jobs of supporting the organization towards accomplishing the authoritative crucial. Also, they have volunteer gatherings of individuals including the

Friday, August 21, 2020

Chromosome Probes At The University Of Toronto -----------------------

Chromosome Probes at the University of Toronto - - - - Uploaded: November 29, 1986. Delicate chromosome tests as of late found by a University of Toronto geneticist will make it simpler to recognize specific kinds of hereditary and pre-birth maladies, just as being utilized to decide paternity and give scientific proof in criminal cases. Tests are short bits of DNA which tie to, and really pinpoint, specific locales on a chromosome. Since these new tests are really rehashed hundreds or thousands of time at a specific site, they are considerably more delicate than beforehand accessible ones. ==[1/6]================================================ Press any key to proceed... ======================================================= Of the 23 sets of human chromosomes, Dr. F.H. Willard has found rehashed tests or markers for six or more the sex deciding X and Y chromosomes. What we're attempting to conclude now is whether to confine tests for different chromosomes, or whether we ought to use the eight we have, he says. Dr. Willard is at present haggling with an American organization to create pre-birth symptomatic tests, which, in light of the fact that the present tests are tedious and in fact hard to do, are confined to ladies more than 35 and the individuals who have a family ancestry of chromosomal variations from the norm. Pre-birth tests utilizing Willard's tests would be a lot less complex and quicker to perform and could be accessible to every single pregnant lady who wish to exploit the innovation. ==[2/6]================================================ Press any key to proceed... ======================================================= Current pre-birth testing includes developing fetal cells in vitro and analyzing them, more than a couple of months, to check whether there are two duplicates of a specific chromosome, which is ordinary, or one or three, which is strange. A test utilizing Willard's tests would require just a couple of cells and a couple of da ys to distinguish variations from the norm. I don't believe it's past the domain of probability that these sorts of tests should in the long run be possible by an obstetrician in the workplace during the beginning times of pregnancy, he includes. The assurance of sexual orientation is another conceivable use for the tests. Numerous illnesses, for example, Duschene's strong dystrophy, appear on the X chromosome, showing just in young men. Willard thinks it is conceivable to build up a test which would rapidly show the baby's sex. This would profit guardians whose lone choice is to have no youngsters or to have just young ladies. ==[3/6]================================================ Press any key to proceed... ======================================================= Confirming sexual orientation in youngsters with uncertain genitalia is another clinical explanation behind utilizing the test. A brisk assessment of the X and Y chromosomes of the youngster would show whether hereditaril y the kid is male or female. Up 'til now, Willard has been not able to build up a test for chromosome 21. Down's Syndrome results from three duplicates of chromosome 21 (trisomy 21). I think we'll know inside a year whether a test to recognize trisomy 21 is achievable, he says ideally. The other six chromosome tests which Willard has created don't quickly loan themselves to symptomatic tests, aside from specific tumors, he says. We have a test for chromosome 7 and we realize that trisomy 7 is a sign for particular kinds of malignant growth. Chromosome variations from the norm of different sorts are a sign of tumors. Theoretically, an oncologist could utilize a ==[4/6]================================================ Press any key to proceed... ======================================================= chromosome test to inspect tissue and get a perusing for a particular malignant growth. It wouldn't recommend a method of treatment, he calls attention to, yet would be an expedient test and would have prognostic ramifications for the sort of tumor found. As an essential research apparatus, Willard's tests could be utilized to build up a hereditary linkage map for human chromosomes. It's critical to know the area of qualities in the human genome, especially infection qualities. The main way to deal with attempt to sift through infection qualities is to utilize hereditary linkage. Since our successions are at the centromere it would permit us to build up a guide. The third application for the tests is in measurable science. Willard accepts his markers are as interesting to each every person as are fingerprints. As per the geneticist, it will be conceivable to make a DNA ==[5/6]================================================ Press any key to proceed... ======================================================= 'unique finger impression' from blood or sperm, which could be utilized as proof in assault or murder cases. We

Friday, June 5, 2020

How to (Gradually) Become a Different Company [HBR] Hult Blog

A number of recent headline-grabbing announcements of divestments and split-ups by companies such as HP (spinning off its PC and printer businesses), GE (the sale of its appliances business to Electrolux), Bayer (the flotation of its MaterialScience chemicals business), and Royal Philips (its separation into two autonomous companies, Lighting and HealthTech) are putting the spotlight again on the phenomenon of â€Å"core shifting†: how a company, through a sustained process of acquiring and divesting assets, changes the mix of its business portfolio and thus purposefully shifts the core of its activities. PPG (originally â€Å"Pittsburgh Plate Glass†) is a splendid example of such a transformation. The US-based company used to be a diversified industrial group, with activities in all types of glass, chemicals, paints, optical materials, and biomedical systems. Through a raft of acquisitions and divestments since the early 1990s, it has transformed into a focused world-leading coatings manufacturer with $15 billion in sales. Since 1995, when glass and coatings each accounted for about 40% of sales, the split has evolved to 93% coatings and 7% glass today. What makes such a transformation successful? From our analysis of a number of core shifts and conversations with the CEOs who have undertaken them, we have drawn five keys to success: 1. Allow time and persevere. Pulling off a core shift takes many years, if not a decade, as PPG and other companies have shown. For example, it took Umicore, a global materials technology group, five years (2002–2007) to lay the basis for its transformation from a commodity supplier of base metals into a premium provider of emission control catalysts, rechargeable battery materials and other value-added solutions. It initially lost about half of its revenues by divesting its copper and zinc smelting business, but by 2010 it had quadrupled its revenues to â‚ ¬2 billion through a combination of acquisitions and organic growth. A core shift takes time for several reasons. First, such transformations consume resources, both financial and human. A company needs the financial firepower to make the required acquisitions on top of the capital investments in its ongoing business. Even more important, it takes management time to align all teams, including those of the acquired businesses, to the transformation initiative. Second, finding value-creating acquisition and divestment opportunities requires patience. Third, some stakeholder groups may want to see confirmation of the positive impact of a given move before consenting to continue on the chosen path. 2. Be clear about the destination, yet flexible about the path. To keep all stakeholders aligned over the course of the transformation, the company’s executive team should be clear and unrelenting about the vision of its future and the rationale thereof. Consider Eaton, which used to be a manufacturer of vehicle components such as axles and transmissions. During the past two decades it has transformed into a provider of electrical, hydraulic, and mechanical power management solutions. Throughout this period it has been communicating regularly about its leitmotif of becoming a diversified company with more consistent earnings. Accordingly, it has systematically published figures about the evolution of its business portfolio in terms of sales by segment (e.g., vehicles decreasing from 40% of total in 2000 to 17% in 2013), by destination (e.g., the U.S. from 80% in 2000 to 50% in 2013), and by exposure to the economic cycle. While the overall desired direction of the transformation should be clear, the actual path to get there is unpredictable. The executive team should not commit to specific moves, as factors outside of their control might require a change of plan. For example, the company may have identified the perfect acquisition target, but be outbid by a rival. Or the economic cycle may suddenly turn and thus make it impossible to divest an activity as planned at a fair price. What is important is to create options and exercise them as the right opportunities arise. 3. Go for the occasional mega-acquisition. Acquisitions are part and parcel of a transformation. While the number may vary from one year to the next, companies such as PPG and Eaton have been acquiring on average one company every quarter for the last two decades. Having said that, what really gives traction to a core shift is the occasional mega-acquisition that is emblematic of the vision and that catapults the company forward. For example, Umicore’s 2003 acquisition of PMG increased its revenues by 50%. Eaton’s acquisitions of Westinghouse’s distribution control business (1994), Aeroquip-Vickers (1999), and Cooper (2012), increased revenues by roughly one-third with each addition. Of course, it takes time to digest such acquisitions and restore the company’s financial firepower, which often results in a transformation pattern in which a period of consolidation follows a period of acceleration. 4. Communicate consistently and transparently. Clearly communicating about the vision and its rationale is crucial to keeping everyone committed, whether they’re employees or external analysts. Particularly important are the managers and staff of businesses that have been earmarked for divestment. Clear, open, and up-front communication about the company’s intention and the rationale thereof is essential to keep them motivated and prevent value destruction. Their business should not be labeled a â€Å"cash cow† or a â€Å"problem,† and their staff must not feel second-class. The message is that the divestment should be beneficial to the business concerned, as its future owner normally will see greater opportunities to create value than its current owner does. The best way to demonstrate the veracity of that message is to continue to do business as if the divestment decision had not been taken, i.e., continue to recruit, invest, and even acquire smaller ent ities that strengthen the value of the business to prospective buyers. 5. Safeguard the short-term performance of the ongoing business. While MA transactions absorb much of senior management’s attention and attract great interest from financial analysts and the business press, the company’s operational performance will ultimately make or break the transformation. If short-term performance slips, pressure will mount and stakeholders will question, rightly or wrongly, the pertinence and/or viability of the long-term transformation. The experience of Chiquita Brands International provides a case in point. Some 10 years ago, the company embarked on a transformation that was meant to reduce the exposure to the volatility and asset intensity of the legacy banana business by shedding ships and farms on one hand, and by acquiring and developing branded healthy snacks on the other hand. However, a significant decrease in profitability and free cash flow over time led the company to change course in 2012 and return to the former core of branded commodity produce, under the leadership of a new CEO. As is always the case with tips, use them wisely, as fits best. They may not all be applicable in the same way and to the same extent at every company. But when it comes to shifting your business’s core, it usually pays to be tenacious, visionary, bold, transparent, and results-oriented. This article was written by  Herman Vantrappen and Hult Professor Daniel Deneffe, for the Harvard Business Review Blog Network and originally published on the Harvard Business Review Blog network. Global Webinar: ‘Innovate or die – Redefining strategy for the innovation economy’, Mike Grandinetti, Hult Professor of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Management, and Marketing Grow your leadership capabilities with an MBA in international business at Hult. To learn more, take a look at our blog Hult ranked Hult Rotation offers you a chance to study in a truly global way. Our rotation program allows you to study and be immersed in some of the finest cities in the world. 📠¸: @jasminmanzano . Hult Rotation offers you a chance to study in a truly global way. Our rotation program allows you to study and be immersed in some of the finest cities in the world. 📠¸: @jasminmanzano . Each year, Hult seeks to enroll a talented and ambitious incoming class from all over the world. We look for diverse students with a wide range of experiences, perspectives, and interests—students who will thrive in our unique educational atmosphere. Are you ready for a truly global experience? 📠¸: @iambrunadiniz . Each year, Hult seeks to enroll a talented and ambitious incoming class from all over the world. We look for diverse students with a wide range of experiences, perspectives, and interests—students who will thrive in our unique educational atmosphere. Are you ready for a truly global experience? 📠¸: @iambrunadiniz . We’re excited to start 2020 on a ranking high! Hult is proud to have been placed #28 in Poets Quants 2020 rankings for Best Undergraduate Business Schools in the US. Taking a huge leap of 32 places from our 2019 position, we’re also very happy to have secured top positions in key categories like: life-changing experience, practicality of the degree, and global immersion. . With five global campuses, a student body of over 130 nationalities, and a learn-by-doing approach—Hult offers a student experience like no other. . We’re excited to start 2020 on a ranking high! Hult is proud to have been placed #28 in Poets Quants 2020 rankings for Best Undergraduate Business Schools in the US. Taking a huge leap of 32 places from our 2019 position, we’re also very happy to have secured top positions in key categories like: life-changing experience, practicality of the degree, and global immersion. . With five global campuses, a student body of over 130 nationalities, and a learn-by-doing approach—Hult offers a student experience like no other. . â€Å"I’m from an engineering background and needed a whole new skill set for the industry I wanted to switch to. I learned a lot about myself and how I deal with being out of my comfort zone. I learned both soft and hard skills, from how to work in very diverse teams to key accounting metrics and strategy. I was surprised by how weak I was at certain tasks in English or how strong I actually was in other areas. Hult gave me opportunities to try new things and meet people from places I never thought I would have friends. . My internship experiences gave me the chance to broaden my view of different cultures and different companies. I had the opportunity to work and live with people whose values differed from people in my home country. I thought that this would be difficult, but it gave me the chance to reflect on my own values and assess if they were a result of my home country environment or if they were intrinsically mine. . Diederick ter Kulve (@diederick.terkulve) Netherlands Masters in International Business . â€Å"I’m from an engineering background and needed a whole new skill set for the industry I wanted to switch to. I learned a lot about myself and how I deal with being out of my comfort zone. I learned both soft and hard skills, from how to work in very diverse teams to key accounting metrics and strategy. I was surprised by how weak I was at certain tasks in English or how strong I actually was in other areas. Hult gave me opportunities to try new things and meet people from places I never thought I would have friends. . My internship experiences gave me the chance to broaden my view of different cultures and different companies. I had the opportunity to work and live with people whose values differed from people in my home country. I thought that this would be difficult, but it gave me the chance to reflect on my own values and assess if they were a result of my home country environment or if they were intrinsically mine. . Diederick ter Kulve (@diederick.terkulve) Netherlands Masters in International Business . Say a big hello to our Bachelor of Business Administration program cover star, Elisa Orus Plana âÅ" ¨ . â€Å"I’m excited for the future—especially that I cant predict whats going to happen. Maybe Ill end up in Mexico working for a trading company or maybe in Africa, developing my own business. Everything is possible, and the options are constantly changing. I love the idea that Im never going to be stuck doing the same job until the end of my life if I dont want it to be like this. . Hult really supports me and my ambitions and truly believes that we deserve to be considered as professionals as well as students. Here, I get to express not just my opinions but all elements of myself. From my creative side with the Fashion Society to my finance and business sides in Trading Club and the Management Consulting Club. We get a different type of learning here. Not just essential knowledge and theory, but practical skills and mindset. The school is always evolving. We’re encouraged to innovate and to always look for new ways of doing traditional things. We learn how to be more confident and become aware of how we can impact our environment. The school aims to help you become a better version of yourself and to stand out from the crowd.â€Å" . Elisa Orus Plana French Bachelor of Business Administration Class of 2021 Say a big hello to our Bachelor of Business Administration program cover star, Elisa Orus Plana âÅ" ¨ . â€Å"I’m excited for the future—especially that I cant predict whats going to happen. Maybe Ill end up in Mexico working for a trading company or maybe in Africa, developing my own business. Everything is possible, and the options are constantly changing. I love the idea that Im never going to be stuck doing the same job until the end of my life if I dont want it to be like this. . Hult really supports me and my ambitions and truly believes that we deserve to be considered as professionals as well as students. Here, I get to express not just my opinions but all elements of myself. From my creative side with the Fashion Society to my finance and business sides in Trading Club and the Management Consulting Club. We get a different type of learning here. Not just essential knowledge and theory, but practical skills and mindset. The school is always evolving. We’re encouraged to innovate and to always look for new ways of doing traditional things. We learn how to be more confident and become aware of how we can impact our environment. The school aims to help you become a better version of yourself and to stand out from the crowd.â€Å" . Elisa Orus Plana French Bachelor of Business Administration Class of 2021"> During the final days of 2019, you probably reflected on what you’ve accomplished this year—and even this decade—and what you’d like to achieve in 2020. Let us know in the comments below. During the final days of 2019, you probably reflected on what you’ve accomplished this year—and even this decade—and what you’d like to achieve in 2020. Let us know in the comments below. â€Å"The first time we did group work on the program, I went head-to-head with a colleague. It taught me a lot about how I see people, how people see me, and how conflict can be resolved in a kind and productive way. The best feedback you get, when delivered constructively, is the most critical because it really feeds into how you lead. I’ve completely reversed my leadership style—the result is so much richer and more powerful when you lead from behind and lead with strength. . Studying in tandem with working, whilst challenging, gave me the perfect platform to directly apply learning concepts into my business environment, the competitive landscape, and the real-estate industry as a whole. When I started the program, I was very happy in my corporate role. But my courage and aspirations grew to the point that I took on a whole new direction. Having my career coach, Joanna, as a sounding board allowed me to really be strategic and get to know myself. She coached me thro ugh all the interviews, the research, and the questions. It went in parallel with what I was doing academically and after six months everything just clicked. . I went into the EMBA knowing I had nothing to lose and I’ve come out with everything. Great strength, global friends, amazing learning, mentors from professors, a job I love, and the knowledge that I can set my mind to achieve anything and with the right support and resources I’ll get there.† . Kashani Wijetunga British, New Zealand Sri Lankan Associate Director Senior Strategy Consultant CBRE EMBA Class of 2019 . â€Å"The first time we did group work on the program, I went head-to-head with a colleague. It taught me a lot about how I see people, how people see me, and how conflict can be resolved in a kind and productive way. The best feedback you get, when delivered constructively, is the most critical because it really feeds into how you lead. I’ve completely reversed my leadership style—the result is so much richer and more powerful when you lead from behind and lead with strength. . Studying in tandem with working, whilst challenging, gave me the perfect platform to directly apply learning concepts into my business environment, the competitive landscape, and the real-estate industry as a whole. When I started the program, I was very happy in my corporate role. But my courage and aspirations grew to the point that I took on a whole new direction. Having my career coach, Joanna, as a sounding board allowed me to really be strategic and get to know myself. She coached me thro ugh all the interviews, the research, and the questions. It went in parallel with what I was doing academically and after six months everything just clicked. . I went into the EMBA knowing I had nothing to lose and I’ve come out with everything. Great strength, global friends, amazing learning, mentors from professors, a job I love, and the knowledge that I can set my mind to achieve anything and with the right support and resources I’ll get there.† . Kashani Wijetunga British, New Zealand Sri Lankan Associate Director Senior Strategy Consultant CBRE EMBA Class of 2019 . â€Å"It was now or never. I knew that I’d have likely stayed in my neighborhood for years to come if I didn’t take this opportunity. I’d not lived or studied outside of the U.S. before. So I left my job as a global strategist at an advertising agency and moved halfway around the world. I’ve come back a more culturally aware, well-versed person. I’ve realized that everything is a learning experience and an opportunity for growth. Ill definitely carry this mindset with me into the future. Technology and social media allow us to be different people in several places at once. Im excited to see how I can establish myself in whatever city Ill be lucky enough to call home and still maintain deep connections with people all over the world. I’m inspired by my classmates every day. Hearing some of their life stories and how getting this degree fits into their greater mission has been very humbling. My biggest challenge has been finding the ‘right’ path for me. There have been rooms Ive felt like I shouldnt be in, but now Im proud to feel as though I truly belong, wherever I am.† . Dwayne Logan, Jnr. American MBA Class of 2019 . â€Å"It was now or never. I knew that I’d have likely stayed in my neighborhood for years to come if I didn’t take this opportunity. I’d not lived or studied outside of the U.S. before. So I left my job as a global strategist at an advertising agency and moved halfway around the world. I’ve come back a more culturally aware, well-versed person. I’ve realized that everything is a learning experience and an opportunity for growth. Ill definitely carry this mindset with me into the future. Technology and social media allow us to be different people in several places at once. Im excited to see how I can establish myself in whatever city Ill be lucky enough to call home and still maintain deep connections with people all over the world. I’m inspired by my classmates every day. Hearing some of their life stories and how getting this degree fits into their greater mission has been very humbling. My biggest challenge has been finding the ‘right’ path for me. There have been rooms Ive felt like I shouldnt be in, but now Im proud to feel as though I truly belong, wherever I am.† . Dwayne Logan, Jnr. American MBA Class of 2019 . Happy New Year, Hultians! . Happy New Year, Hultians! .

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Purnell Model a View on Asian Indian Culture Values. Essay

Abstract In this paper I will be identifying beliefs and values common to my family of origin. I will be using Purnells Model of cultural competency and will explain the major assumptions of the model in relevance to my culture. The purpose of this paper is to provide the reader with a quick overview of the Asian Indian culture. One must be aware of their own culture and the culture of others in order to offer competent and culturally sensitive care and understand how their cultural beliefs may affect their health. (Leuning, Swiggum, Wiegert, and McCullough-Zander, 2002). Introduction With the United States becoming increasingly diverse, healthcare professionals face a multicultural clients and it†¦show more content†¦I have lived in Waukesha, Milwaukee and my current residence is in Racine, Wisconsin. After my bachelors I have been working as a registered nurse at a local nursing home. Communication: My primary language is Punjabi, although I can speak Hindi and English fluently as well. Women do not look into the eyes of men, which would imply romantic interest, and this is usually forbidden. People from my culture will not usually look directly in the eyes of elders and authority figures. This is supported by Purnell and Paulanka (2003), and they add that â€Å"direct eye contact with elders and authority figures may be considered a sign of disrespect† Family Roles and Organization. Indian families are considered to be a close knit family unit. The man (the father and/or husband) is always considered the head of household. There is also a significant value placed on higher education and success for their children. Workforce Issues: Traditionally, men will usually work and provide the financial support and the women provide domestic care. In the recent years, as people are becoming more educated and urbanized there has been a decline in this trend. Biocultural ecology. In the Northern part of the country the general population has a fairer skin color when compared with down South. Southern part of the country is closer to the equator which results in higher temperatures and long sunny days, whichShow MoreRelatedCulture As A Different Perception Of Behavior1713 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Culture is termed as the way of life, activities, customs, and beliefs of a group of people or society. In deeper context, Phil Smith describes it in his book ‘Cultural Theory’ in six different definitions (Smith, 2001). They are as follows: i. Structural definitions –depicts a culture as a different perception of behavior ii. Psychological definitions- illuminates culture as playing a role in solving problems by allowing individuals to interact, learn and satisfy both materialRead MoreThere Are Four Primary Discipline Topics Mentioned Above1244 Words   |  5 Pagesinvestigation. The social model for Cultural Competence and Critical Race Theory (CRT), are the highlights of the dimensions that will influence the research through this exploratory participatory approach. This will be a case study utilizing a mixed method approach through social constructivist participatory analysis. The case study will have an outcome basis that may produce advocacy, more effective professional development, and more culturally inclusive learning environments. Let’s view each of these outcomes

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Irena Sendler A Little Known Holocaust Hero - 1976 Words

What is the first word that comes to your mind when you hear the word Holocaust? Some of the words you generally hear are genocide, devastating, sad, and evil, just to name a few. How often do you hear people describe or talk about the acts of compassion and good that came from the Holocaust? Not very often. It is a crazy concept to think that something good could come from the Holocaust where â€Å"five to six million Jews were systematically murdered by the Nazi regime, its allies, and its surrogates† (Jones 223). However, there were still people that stood up for what they believed in and did whatever they could to make a difference, even if it meant death for them. There are many different people who are heroes of the Holocaust such as Oskar Schindler, Raoul Wallenberg, and Giovanni Palatucci. This paper will focus on a hero that was not as well known. Her name is Irena Sendler. Sendler’s constant courage every single day changed the fate of at least 2,500 Jewish ch ildren during the Holocaust. Throughout this paper you will learn a little bit more about Sendler, her background, what she did during the Holocaust, the four girls that first brought attention to Sendler here in the United States, and how she is remembered today. Sendler was born on February 15th, 1910 in Warsaw Poland. She was an only child and grew up in a Catholic family in Otwock, Poland. Sendler â€Å"grew up in a family that instilled values in her and taught her to love others† (Pulgarin-Bilvao 278). Sendler’s

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Invisible Gorila free essay sample

A talent show is an event that participants perform their specific talents in order to win the first prize. Singing talent shows are quite popular lately because they don’t require participants to be in certain ages or professions. Talent shows are very entertaining so that people start to pay attention to them. In fact, in talent shows, not only contestants, but also judges and audiences, always project illusions. They misperceive something might not exist. In book The Invisible Gorilla, Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons investigate six illusions that happen everyday in people’s lives. They use a lot of examples and scientific experiments to explain how different illusions affect people and reveal that human being’s thoughts are suffered from illusions. Among those six illusions in the book, illusion of confident, illusion of knowledge and illusion of cause have the biggest effect in talent shows. Contestants experience the illusion of confidence because they have unjustified confidence in their own abilities and they are not aware of their lack of skills. Some contestants don’t have skills but they act very confidently. Chabris and Simons state in Chapter 3, â€Å"In fact, those who are the least skilled are the most likely to think better of themselves than they should† (86). Least skilled contestants probably have never done anything relevant to music. They attend talent shows because they like singing or they want to be proved by aud iences. For example, in 2003, a student William Hung who was studying in civil engineering at Berkeley participated in â€Å"American Idol†. Since he couldnt sing and dance, his performance was funny and everyone was making fun of him. However, he was very confident and he thought he was doing his best. Indeed, when people are interested in something or just started doing something, they are more likely to feel confident because they dont know much about it. Furthermore, least skilled contestants don’t realize their actual competence. They mistake their confidence as real competence. When performing on stage, they think that even though they have not been trained before, their personalities or appearance can draw audiences’ attention. When constantans experience illusion of confidence, they are so confident that neglect the fact that they dont have abilities of performing. Except for contestants, audiences experience illusion of confidence as well. Not acting confidently doesnt mean a person has no ability. Yet sometimes audiences automatically treat confidence as a mark of actual competence of contestants. For example, when two contestants who have similar level of skills are performing on stage, audiences consider the one who looks more confident is better than the other. In 2007, there was a Taiwanese singing talent show called â€Å"One million Star. † Jam Hsiao was one of those contestants and he was quiet when asked questions. He told everyone that he wasn’t confident in communicating with other people. When audiences looked at Jam, they automatically thought Jam was not good at singing because he didnt show his confidence in front of other people. Nevertheless, He became totally different while performing and his beautiful and powerful voice attracted everyone. Since audiences are prone to believing a person is not confident, which may give a contestant an unfair disadvantage, but later when proven wrong may give the contestant a bigger advantage due to audiences having to compensate for the contrasting information. They become more likely to support contestants they doubt at the very beginning. Different with those least killed contestants, skilled ones experience the illusion of knowledge. People believe that they know things at a deeper level than they really do. Skilled contestants, who may have been trained for long time, have a lot of experience in performing in front of audiences. For instance, some of contestants who participate in â€Å"The Voice of China† went to musical universities before. As they said, they started learning musical instruments since they were kids and they have attended countless singing contests. They consider themselves as knowledgeable contestants for they have much experience. Compared to least skilled contestants, skilled contestants participate in talent shows because they think they know much about how to utilize knowledge they have learned than those who dont have many skills. Yet, knowing much about music doesnt mean those skilled contestants can definitely win contestants. The illusion of knowledge makes them not be able to properly determine their value because they are more likely to approve their merits and ignore shortcomings. Constantine Mouralis, who had a tony nomination before, participated in season four of â€Å"American Idol†. Constantine Mouralis started to improve his interest in music when he grew up. He sang in high school garage band and he appeared in Broadway roles. He was not only experienced, but also obtained a lot of awards before he competed on â€Å"American Idol. † He thought his ability was good enough compared to other contestants but he was eliminated at the sixth week. Although Mouralis was very skillful, other contestants who are better than Mouralis win eventually. In talent shows, judges project illusion of knowledge as well. Most judges are either famous singers or they are successful in the music industry. When they decide to choose the winner, they use their knowledge and experience to make decisions. They think the winner they choose will be successful after the show ends. Some contestants perform really well in talent shows and they fully show their talents to everyone and of course judges admit them too. After that, some of them are not famous due to all kinds of reasons. Foe instance, record companies decide not to give winners opportunities to release albums or winner contestants realize they want to do something else instead of being a singer. Judges make judgments because they think they know more about entertainment system than anyone else. The illusion of knowledge makes talent shows become unfair because judges are subjective when they make judgments. People are more interested in talent shows because some of them think that talent shows give them opportunities to be a professional singer. Apparently, these people are having illusion of cause. They infer causal relationships from coincidence. In entertainment system, parts of popular singers come from talent shows. They get a contract with record companies so that they can release albums after they win the talent show. Besides, since they are popular, they are invited to perform in many occasions. In fact, winning talent shows and becoming a famous singer are two different things so they have no causal relationships. However, people who want to participate in talent shows infer causal relationships from those coincidences. They believe that if they attend talent shows, they might win the first prize and they have a high possibility to be a famous singer. However, not everyone who comes from talent shows becomes famous. For example, in 2007, the champion of singing talent show â€Å"Super Boy† was really good at singing and he released his first album afterwards. Unfortunately, he wasnt popular and he never got the second chance to release other albums. Talent shows provide people opportunities to show their talents, but participating in talent shows and being famous have no causal relationships. Sometimes, the reason why contestants win talent shows is not only because they are better than anyone else. For record companies who want to make money, they prefer pick up contestants who have good appearance than those who have talent in singing but dont have beautiful faces. Thus, some factors which people think will cause contestants to win are not truly existed. Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons’s explanations make me think illusions that happened in my life. People are beset by all kinds of illusions every day without noticing their existence. In talent shows, both skilled and least contestants have illusions since they are not able to determine their real abilities. People who win talent shows don’t mean that these people will be famous forever. On the contrary, people who failed in talent shows can still be successful. Besides, the reason why top singers and movie stars are famous is not only because talent shows give them opportunities to perform, other factors such as hard working and good luck can also be important for them. We need to pay attention to different kinds of illusions because sometimes they affect our decision-making. If we like singing and want to make music, we dont have to participate in talent shows because there are other ways for us to chase our dreams. After all, we should evaluate our abilities appropriately. If we are just interested in something but we dont actually have talent in doing them, we should have find out something else we can do to fulfill our dreams.